
Nieuwe review paper gepubliceerd in Frontiers in Endocrinology

Eerder dit jaar, ergens in april, begon ik te werken aan deze paper die uiteindelijk 20 pagina’s lang zou worden. Ik had het idee dat het een tijdige toevoeging aan de literatuur zou zijn nu alle data van de HAARLEM-studie waren gepubliceerd; al was het alleen al omdat er geen recente reviews waren van goede kwaliteit over androgen abuse en de bijwerkingen ervan.

dieet, endocrinologie

Research pick: “Effects of testosterone supplementation on body composition and lower-body muscle function during severe exercise- and diet-induced energy deficit”

Effects of testosterone supplementation on body composition and lower-body muscle function during severe exercise- and diet-induced energy deficit: A proof-of-concept, single centre, randomised, double-blind, controlled trial

For this research pick I’ll be addressing a recent paper by Pasiakos and colleagues [1]. In this study they evaluated the effect of 200 mg testosterone enanthate weekly for a period of 4 weeks during a diet- and exercise-induced energy deficit of 55%. The study was a randomised double-blind controlled trial and showed that the


Seminar performance and image enhancing drugs in Veldhoven

Mainline organiseert 25 april 2019 een seminar met als thema het gebruik van Performance and Image Enhancing Drugs (PIEDs). Een vijftal nationaal en internationale bekende deskundigen op dit vakgebied zullen die avond spreken, waaronder de bekende Amerikaanse auteur William Llewellyn. Ook ben ik aanwezig als spreker.


Research pick: “Resistance training volume enhances muscle hypertrophy but not strength in trained men”

For this research pick I’ll briefly address a study which recently came out by Schoenfeld and colleagues. The study evaluated the effects of training volume on muscle hypertrophy and strength [1]. Schoenfeld et al. have published a meta-analysis earlier in which they showed there was a dose-response relationship between training volume and increases in muscle


A primer on diuretics

Below is an excerpt of a chapter I’m writing on diuretics for my new book on steroids. And yes, the book will be written in English. I’ve taken the references out, because I’m too lazy to include them right now (they will be available in the book of course). Diuretics I’m not sure about which


Beta2-agonist terbutaline to increase muscle mass

For this research pick I’ll go over a recent trial which investigated the effect of terbutaline on body composition in healthy men. Beta2-agonists like clenbuterol and terbutaline have long been thought to increase muscle mass. A wealth of animal research clearly shows this, however most trials in humans fail to demonstrate this. The obvious reason